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3 Ways the Wrong Door can Cost Time and Money

When customers come in complaining that their doors are broken, the first thing to think about is if the correct product was put in in the first place. This situation is very common with high performance rolling products because they are more expensive and customers are less inclined to buy them. In the long run a standard door will cost more in repairs, etc. Timing and maintenance delays are the results when a standard door is put in when a high performance door is needed. A standard door opens on average of 8" per second and waiting for a door to open can cost hours and productivity days. "Then consider maintenance delays. If a standard rolling door is operated more often than recommended, the motor can overheat, components can wear out, and springs can snap, rendering the door useless" (Siva Davuluri, Cornell Cookson). High performance doors can open 3+ times faster and are built to withstand heavy use. The money used to by the more expensive high performance door can be earned back through more hours and more productivity. With a standard door there is also the potential for money loss. Because the standard door opens slower than a high performance door, allows more air to filter in and out. When the door stays open longer the cold winds will come in and hot summer weather will fight the AC. Many safety risks come with a standard door, springs could fail and cause the door to slam shut. The standard doors are equipped with a photo eye but, this could also fail if overused. A high performance has more safety precautions, such as a "light curtain" which prevents the door from slamming shut if anything is in the "light curtain". Buying a high performance door can increase maintenance and productivity while decreasing safety risk.

Davuluri, Siva, and Cornell Cookson. "3 Ways the Wrong Door Can Cost Time and Money ." DASMA, 2017,