Refund Policy

Apple Door Systems, Inc. Refund Policy

Our commitment to customer satisfaction is second to none in our industry. If during the first 30-days after installation, you are dissatisfied with any of our residential door or awning products, we will refund your money. We only require that you report the reasons for your dissatisfaction to our customer service department within 10-days after installation and give us an opportunity to make the necessary corrections in an effort to gain your total satisfaction. Corrections will begin within 30-days of the report of issue or upon receipt of replacement material. If however, you are still unhappy with our product, and it is still in saleable condition, we will remove the product from your home and refund 100% of the purchase price within 30-days of the refund request. The offer of refund will expire 30-days after installation at 12:00 am midnight on the 30th day.

We will not however, be responsible for storing or reinstalling any used equipment that may have been removed prior to installation (i.e. old doors, garage door openers, etc.). This guarantee will not apply in the event that any repair, addition or modification has been made or attempted by others, or where repair or replacement is necessitated due to the owner's misuse or failure to properly care for the product. This guarantee only applies to products installed by Apple Door Systems. Your request for refund must be made in writing and a copy of our invoice enclosed. The offer of refund will expire 30-days after installation at 12:00 am midnight on the 30th day. We will require that you sign a release at the time of removal of the product from your home in order to receive your refund.