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Safety Tips: Garage Door Openers

This list is used to provide customers with safety tips about garage door openers. If you have any question about your specific model, ask your door dealer or look in the manual for safety tips.

  • If you are doing it by yourself? Garage door openers are usually safer to install than a garage door. DASMA recommends that a technician install it for you, but if you want to do it solo then follow the manual exactly.
  • If you can't see your garage door? After you hit the button to close your garage door, stand and wait until the garage door is finished closing. Waiting for the door to close is crucial because you don't want any person or animal getting caught under the door.
  • Do you have a reinforcement DASMA. "Safety Tips: Garage Door Openers ." DASMA, The reinforcement bracket attaches to the top of the door. Most people who install their own openers will forget to install this. Read your manual for instructions on the reinforcement bracket.
  • Do you need a more powerful opener? Openers are made to open doors, but it can't if the door is not properly balanced. If you notice that your door is getting heavy, call your nearest door company and have a technician come out a see what the problem is. Trying to fix an unbalanced door on your own can lead to serious injury.
  • Is your doors sensitivity adjusted properly? This is when the door sense something and immediately opens so that what ever is under the door can get out safety. If your door does not immediate move when an object is under it, then check the owner's manual for how to adjust the sensitivity. If the sensitivity is not set correctly then there could be potential injury.
  • Does your opener come with a second safety feature? If your opener is from before 1993 the you may need to get a new one. More modern openers come with a second safety precaution. Photo eyes create beam, that when broken will not allow the door to shut. They didn't start doing this extra layer of security until after 1993.
  • Are your photo eyes placed in the right place? According to the 6-inch rule, photo eyes should be installed 6 inches from the ground. If they are any higher then there is a possibility that someone could b=get under the beam and be undetected.
  • Is your Garage door opener place in the right spot? The button used to open your garage should be out of reach from small children. It is recommended to put the button 5 feet in the air. Make sure your children are aware of the dangers, such as running under a closing door.
  • Do you know where your remote controls are? Make sure to keep your remote where you know it will be safe at all times. Always lock your care so nobody can take your opens and again make sure children know the dangers.
  • Does your remote control have rolling codes? Rolling codes are codes that change after every use. This is helpful, so nobody copies your code and potentially breaks in to your garage.

DASMA. "Safety Tips: Garage Door Openers ." DASMA,