sponsored its first ever "Ugly Door Contest" this past spring. Contestants submitted photos of their "ugly" garage doors in hopes of being chosen as the ugliest in an effort to win a new $1,500 garage door. The contest created a lot of buzz with our customers and there were many entries. Some were real doozies! The contest ended on June 30, 2011 and Linda Hollett of Richmond was chosen for having the absolute ugliest garage door on her single car garage. Peeling, rotted and a genuine eyesore, Linda's garage door was an easy choice by our panel of judges comprised of technician, sales and customer service personnel. On November 23, 2011, after a contractor made repairs to her garage so that the new door could be installed, Apple Door of Richmond installed a new 9 X 7 C.H.I. Model 2216 steel insulated garage door with obscure glass in the top. Linda chose to add a new VanGuard, ultra quiet automatic opener to complete the new garage door system. Now instead of an eyesore, she has a garage door that adds street appeal and value to her home.